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Showing posts from January, 2017

Benefits of Early Childhood Education:

Snippets: - Early childhood education is about honing and molding the holistic child, which will eventually form the basis of their lifelong journey. - Early childhood educators are trained in identifying areas where support is needed for each child and building programs and activities around these. - Many preschool activities are centered around teamwork for this very reason; a person who learns how to work in a team at an early age will ultimately be more socially attuned and more employable! - Positive interactions with other children and teachers will promote a positive, healthy and secure view of themselves that will allow them to approach situations and problems confidently throughout their lives. Click to read from source :

Early childhood as the foundation for tomorrow’s workforce:

Snippets : - Better ECE programs. Better workers. Better communities. Better lives for our citizens. That’s how investing in the early years can transform not just the lives of children, but their communities, and ultimately their countries, making them healthier and more competitive in the global economy. - A  study  showed that by age three, children of low-income families had half the vocabulary of more advantaged families. - Investments in early childhood is “the social, moral and economic imperative of our time.”   Click to read from source : If unable to open, paste the below link to browser.

How school Leaders Can Support Meaningful Innovation:

Snippets: -  In schools that succeed in implementing real instructional improvements, teachers figure out how to improve teaching and learning by journeying through multiple passes of a cycle of experiment, reflection and adjustment. -  As a school leader, the first resource that you can offer innovative teachers is your enthusiasm and your protection.  - One of the largest untapped resources for innovation in schools are students. - We have a culture in schools of radical teacher autonomy where every teacher closes the door behind them and does whatever they want, and in too many cases that means that innovation happens in classrooms, but not in departments, not in grade-level teams, and not in whole schools.  Click to read from source : If unable to open, paste the below link to browser:

Quality reading and writing helps children climb the ladder of education:

Snippets: -  Learning to read is a pathway to reading to learn. - Basic literacy is a human right—and with good reason. Children’s ability to read and write is a powerful tool for their communication, expression and access to a whole world of ideas and information. - And it is only by investing at an early stage that governments can avoid the heavy personal costs of illiteracy for children who watch their peers moving up the ladder, while they are left behind. Click to read full article from source : If unable to open, copy below link to browser: