- Children start understanding relationship and social connections from very early age. The children aged around 2 years start connecting with their caregivers. They form strong attachments to primary caregivers (usually parents). This bond is crucial for their sense of security and trust. They can recognize and express basic emotions like happiness, sadness, anger, and fear. I remember an incidence, once I was in a family function where 4-5 of us were sitting in a corner, suddenly my 1.5 year old daughter comes with 2 sweet pieces in her hand. She directly comes to me and hands over one piece of sweet to me. At this point of time it came to my mind, how did she give that sweet piece only to me and not to others in the group which was seated. I started questioning myself how come my 1.5 year old child knows I am special to her. How children start connecting strongly to their parents. We need to make sure that we support children in understanding and developing positive relationshi...
A Credence Learning Foundation initiative: Skills to benefit and values to spread happiness.⌘