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Showing posts from August, 2021

What is Coding? And why should we learn to code?

   - Computers and technology have become an integral part of our lives, but what do we know about the little coding that helps to run them? In this article, we'll be taking a look at what is coding and how will it help and how can you get started with some basic coding concepts for kids. What is Coding? Coding is a language that helps computers understand how to do certain tasks. It’s more than just a language though, it’s a way of thinking. Coding is a way for people to communicate with machines and tell them what to do without having to type every little command. Why should we learn Coding? Coding is the language of the future. If you want to be an entrepreneur, it can't hurt to learn basic coding skills because you'll need them for any number of tasks such as managing social media or even creating your own website. And if you don't want to become an entrepreneur, there are still plenty of other reasons to place importance on learning basic coding skills....

Free courses on psychology, with easy to learn mode:

 ✓ *Here is a list of free courses which are offered by various IIT's through NPTEL* You can click on links to access around 20 courses. There are courses on Human behaviour, emotional intelligence, how the brain creates mind, health psychology etc etc.  List of Free Psychology Courses: 1) ( Positive Psychology)  2) ( Psychology of Everyday)  3) ( Consumer Psychology)  4) (Human Behavior)  5) (Psychology of Language)  6) ( Cognitive Psychology) 7) ( Cognition , Emotion and Transformation)  8) ( Introduction to basic cognitive process)  9) ( Emotional Intelligence)  10) ( Great Experiments in Psychology)  11) ( Introduction to Psychology)  12)

Stages of knowledge:

 - Source: received through whatsapp

'Digital literacy' initiatives for children:

 - 'Digital literacy' is the skills required to achieve digital competence and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for work, leisure, learning and communication.  It does not replace traditional forms of literacy, instead complements and amplifies the skills that form the foundation of traditional forms. Click to access: Source: The information is collected through whatsapp. Credence blog does not have any connection with Infosys initiative. We are India based Education news and views organisation reaching 20+ countries. Explore education and career related information in our below section.

'Diploma in Counseling Skills' from Banjara Academy:

- Hi   Diploma in Counseling Skills is a journey best travelled with friends, family and loved ones Together we share and grow.  Hence, we have enclosed a poster with this message.  Please feel free to share it with your acquaintances, friends & family and invite them to join the course and to take part in this experiential & meaningful journey *There are very few seats left* *-------------------------------------* You could post it in your 1. Status and stories on various social media platforms like WhatsApp, FB or Insta  2. College group  3. Apartment group / notice board  4. Friends circle  5. Send it to individual friends 6. To any individual who takes interest in understanding human beings. Source: received through whatsapp group of Banjara Academy Alumni. Our Blog has no official connection with this course. The co-founder of this blog is an Alumni of Banjara Academy.

Career in science after 12th:

-  आज जानते है कि 12th के बाद देश और दुनियाँ के श्रेष्ठ वैज्ञानिक कैसे बनते है.           :-  यूसुफ़ सौरान  JEE(Mains), JEE(Advance) को अक्सर सिर्फ IIT, NIT, IIIT या देश के कुछ प्रतिष्ठित यूनिवर्सिटीज और संस्थान मे इंजीनियरिंग एडमिशन के लिए जाना जाता है. हालांकि IIT में स्कालरशिप नहीं मिलती है, वही इन्ही एंट्रेंस एक्साम्स कि बदौलत IIT से भी बेहतर रैंकिंग की इंडियन यूनिवर्सिटीज से होकर अमेरिका, यूरोप और कनाडा से 12Th से PHD तक कम्पलीट स्टडी फ्री में प्राप्त की जा सकती है.  ISRO और BARC जैसे संस्थान टोपर स्टूडेंट्स को जॉब गॅरंटी भी देते है. यह भारत सरकार द्वारा स्थापित ऑटोनोमस यूनिवर्सिटीज है, जो की पूरी तरह अमेरिकन और यूरोपीअन पैटर्न पर रिसर्च ओरिएंटड कोर्सेज है.  आईये जानते है इंस्टिट्यूटस और कोर्सेर्स के बारे में . 1. Indian Institute Of Science (IISc) बंगलुरु: यह भारत की 1St रैंक यूनिवर्सिटी है.  यह एशिया की टॉप 10 और वर्ल्ड की टॉप 300 में आती है. कोर्सेर्स  : BS, MS, M. Tech, PHd. सब्जेक्ट : फिजिक्स, केमिस्ट्री, बायोलॉजी...

An emotional incident of how teachers are caring students during lockdown:

  - source: received through facebook source

'Diploma in Learning Disability' programme from Azim Premji University:

- Do you know? About  5  to  15  per cent of children in classrooms in India have a learning disability. Azim Premji University is offering a program 'Diploma in Learning Disability'. Learning Disability  program enables teachers to work with Children with Learning Disability in their Schools and Classrooms. This is an invitation from the university for an Information Session on the 'Diploma in Learning Disability' programme. The session will give an overview of the programme, followed by Q&A. The session is scheduled on Friday, August 06, 2021 at 4pm (one hour session) Zoom meeting link: Meeting ID - 952 8144 0605 Passcode -  412721 Click here to know more and apply For enquiries email at:   About learning disability: A learning disability is  a ne...