Factsheet: Early childhood care and education | Global Partnership for Education: GPE encourages countries to ensure that children under the age of 5 develop according to their age, and to increase pre-primary enrollment.
- _The Modern Definition of a Teacher_ When we think of a teacher, most of us imagine someone who teaches us academic subjects. This traditional definition is not incorrect, but it doesn't fully capture the essence of what a teacher truly is in today's world. A modern teacher is much more than an instructor; a teacher is a motivator. If a teacher does not inspire and motivate their students, they are not fulfilling their true role. Teaching, explaining, and conveying information is important, but the primary task is to create a spark in the minds and hearts of students. In developed countries, becoming a teacher requires obtaining a teaching license. Before this license is granted, six major qualities are evaluated: **1. Subject Mastery:** A good teacher must have a strong command over their subject. However, it's not enough to merely possess knowledge; in developed countries, teachers are also evaluated on how updated and relevant their knowledge is. Continuous learning a...