- This is the never ending debate we are witnessing. Some are advocating that mother tongue need to be protected. Some argue that in globalised world, english is must.
- It is very clear that there is a difference between learning English and learning concepts and understanding the world. To simplify, first is the source of learning and the second is learning itself. And learning and application is end goal. And language is a tool/means to reach end goal.
- Research has shown that children’s first language is the optimal language for literacy and learning throughout primary school.
- Children whose primary language (refers to your native language or mother tongue) is not the language of instruction in school are more likely to drop out of school or fail in early grades.
- Some children do succeed, perhaps through a language transition program that helps them to acquire the language of instruction.
- Are our language transition programs effective. In first place, have we designed programs as such.
- What is the risk?
The risk is of negative effects, whereby children fail to become linguistically competent members of their families and communities and lose the ability to connect with their cultural heritage.
- Advantage of mother tongue:
If from start children are educated in mother tongue: children are more likely to enroll and succeed in school. Parents are more likely to communicate with teachers and participate in their children’s learning. (The story might be different for English speaking urban families, where these children are bilingual. Good at English as well as mother tongue.).
What is bilingual?
Speaking two languages fluently. Usage of two languages.
- Some educators argue that only those countries where the student’s first language is the language of instruction are likely to achieve the goals of Education for All.
- Language is not for memorizing, but it is for reception and expression of thoughts. It's for conceptual clearity.
What happens when children are not competent in language of instruction?
- When children do not understand/comprehend the language which they learn through. They tend to memorize the concept for the sake of exam. 'Replicate and forget'.
- People often say, to be good in a language the child should be taught that language from start of the schooling (Example how english is perceived).
It could not be true always.
I have worked with people who are language experts. Who are Indians, who learnt foreign language after 20 years of age (languages like, French, German, Italy). They were able to do business conversation with customers of those countries..
- The question arises whether language is to be used as a platform for understanding world/concepts. Or just for official purposes.
Let us think around this and contribute to research in language development and linguistics.
Click to read for further clarity:
Thoughts are expressed by:
Maaz Mohammed A.Q
Learning strategist