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Showing posts from April, 2020

Some tips and some thoughts on home-schooling-

This short write up brings up few insights about reducing stresses of homeschooling which is also an impact of global pandemic. Because all the school management, teachers are facing common issues, not getting as far their (parents) expectations due to the closure of organized schools. Everyone aware that the world is facing a critical situation these days, and usual activities of human beings are made limited to access. There is only one-word 'LOCKDOWN' to everyone's mouth to utter. And it has an immense impact on all sections of people. The reality is the worldwide outbreak of COVID19 pandemic is an unknown challenge. This is an era of depression and anxiety for all sections of people but it is also an era of the battle against the draconian virus (COVID19) and even depression, anxiety and economic crisis resulted from the COVID19 global pandemic.  On the other hand this is also an opportunity to make changes in the way the students learn, and the way the par...

Benefits of reading books: World Book Day was celebrated on 23 April in 1995, and continues to be recognized on that day:

World Book Day, also known as World Book and Copyright Day, or International Day of the Book, is an annual event organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to promote reading, publishing, and copyright. The first World Book Day was celebrated on 23 April in 1995, and continues to be recognized on that day. Source: Received the above data through WhatsApp message

Save the Children India campaign:

Making the invisible, visible: Source: youtube

Shodhganga: With an aim to facilitate open access to Indian theses and dissertations to the academic community world-wide:

Shodh ganga " is the name coined to denote digital repository of Indian Electronic Theses and Dissertations set-up by the INFLIBNET Centre. The word "Shodh" originates from Sanskrit and stands for research and discovery. The "Ganga" is the holiest, largest and longest of all rivers in Indian subcontinent. The Ganga is the symbol of India's age-long culture and civilisation, everchanging, ever-flowing, ever-loved and revered by its people, and has held India's heart captive and drawn uncounted millions to her banks since the dawn of history.   Shodh ganga  stands for the reservoir of Indian intellectual output stored in a repository hosted and maintained by the INFLIBNET Centre. Open: About the platform: Theses and dissertations are known to be the rich and unique source of information, often the only source of research work that does not find its way into various publication channels. Theses and disserta...

Get free access and learn even more and more: NROER-

Learn through, National Repository of Open Educational Resources (#NROER). Brings together all digital resources across all stages of school and teacher education. Get free access and learn even more and more. Check out what's new here: Click: https :// About : NROER is a collaborative platform, which brings together everyone interested in school and teacher education. Initiated by the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India and managed by the Central Institute of Educational Technology, National Council of Educational Research and Training, the Repository runs on the MetaStudio platform, an initiative of the Gnowledge Labs, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education. Source: Received through NROER website as mentioned in above Blog.

Understanding IQ, and it's connection to our life:

This video is about IQ and it's connection to our life. Why it's different for all. How it impacts different people in different way. This video uses a story to better understand the IQ. Source: this will play through youtube.

Assessment in Early Childhood Education:

Assessment provides educators, parents, and families with critical information about a child’s development and growth. Methods of child assessment can be informal (conducting natural observations, collecting data and children’s work for portfolios, using educator and teacher ratings) and formal (using assessment tools such as questionnaires and standardized testing).  Click to read from Source:

NCERT- How schools could engage with children at home during COVID-19 situation:

 This is a very challenging situation of Covid-19, which is declared as global pandemic, our teachers, parents and students have to remain at homes to prevent its spread in the community. In this situation, it is school's responsibility to provide teachers, parents and students with multiple alternative ways of learning at home through interesting activities. It is necessary because in the present environment of stress we have to not only keep our children busy but also to maintain continuity of their learning in their new classes. In this situation, the schools can get a great help from NCERT (National Council For Education Research and Training). In this context, NCERT has developed an Alternative Academic Calendar for all the stages of school education. Initially, this calendar is prepared for four weeks, which may be extended further. Please find the documents in below links: Document written in English: Document written in Hindi: Source: Document received...

*Azim Premji University, Bangalore* is inviting students in Class 12 to apply for their Undergraduate Programmes:

*LEARNING for LIFE* Details of the programs: *Azim Premji University, Bangalore* is inviting students in Class 12 to apply for their Undergraduate Programmes. Students who have completed Class 12 in 2019 can also apply- *3 year B.A. | B.Sc.* -  Majors in Sciences (Physics or Biology), Mathematics, Economics and Humanities. Opportunity to study interdisciplinary areas like  Sustainability, Development, Education, and Media etc. Option to do research and pursue honours degree.  *4 year B.Sc.B.Ed.* – Gain deep disciplinary knowledge in the Sciences and a practical and professional degree in Education. Integrated programme in Science and Education. Choose from Life Sciences, Physical Sciences or Mathematics. *Regular Admissions 2020* Last date to apply for Regular Admissions is 20th April 2020. Selection process includes a written test and interviews for shortlisted candidates. *Scholarships* We believe that nobody should be denied admissions because of fin...

Reflections about Child and Learning with Carl Rogers Understanding:

Carl Ransom Rogers:  (January 8, 1902 – February 4, 1987) was an  American   psychologist  and among the founders of the  humanistic approach  (or client-centered approach) to  psychology . Rogers is widely considered to be one of the founding fathers of  psychotherapy  research and was honored for his pioneering research with the Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions by the  American Psychological Association  (APA) in 1956. (Wikipedia) Source: Aarohi online workshop on master facilitator.

Preschool Learning on a screen:

Hello People, We CLF are proud to publish a kids learning platform which is developed by This is developed with an Indian context and learner perspective. Click to enter the World of preschool: #SharingIsAwesome Note:  This is not developed by CLF, it's always a mission of CLF to promote organizations working for Learning and Education.

How to nurture child's mental health:

Watch the video explaination of above content:

A research lab under occean, Amazing:

Ever wonder researchers living under water for many days doing research, resting, having food within the lab. And the sub marine research lab is also designed like an organism, with green looking outer look. This video features a researcher who spent two weeks researching underwater. See the video above.  Can we teach people what kind of challenges people around the world taking up, to contribute to the world.

Online course on- *Self re-engineering for better performance*.

Hello, CLF India takes pleasure to announce it's upcoming workshop on,  *Self re-engineering for better performance*.  This is an activity based 5 days program. You need only WhatsApp to do this course. How will this benefit you? - It will help you to self analyze yourself, so that you can understand your performance and potential. Program Delivery : Online via Whatsapp Who should attend:  This is not limited to particular field. You need not have any mandatory qualification to attend this. It will help you to introspect and identify the challenges and limitations within you.  *The program is for 5 days*  (8th April to 13th April 2020). Timing of session: Evening 7 PM to 8 PM  Priced at 2000- Rs.  Offer price: 400- Rs only The program will have only 10 participants. Please register at WhatsApp: 9916 77 77 53 Email: Thank you. About Trainer: - Holds Diploma in Counselling. - Masters degree speciali...

*A small initiative for readers:

CLF blog articles/external links are available on a click.  You can select and read as per your interest. To open the article as per the category, go to menu button (it looks like three lines) on the top right of the page and click 'Archive' or ‘Label’ option. For best experience open in a large screen like laptop/desktop. Click: For Education and parenting-  Click: For life development tips- Click: For Moral Development- We Credence Learning Foundation have reworked on our blog content management. Currently, there are 400+ articles available in 20+ education categories. This blog has visitors internationally from more than 20 countries. This was possible only because of you kind readers. Share with your families and friends. This will go a long way in spreading the light of knowledge. #SharingIsAwesome Thank you.

Wipro Ltd, Wipro Enterprises Ltd and Azim Premji Foundation, have together committed Rs 1125 crore towards tackling the unprecedented health and humanitarian crisis:

Wipro Ltd, Wipro Enterprises Ltd and Azim Premji Foundation, have together committed Rs 1125 crore towards tackling the unprecedented health and humanitarian crisis arising from the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. These resources will help enable the dedicated medical and service fraternity in the frontline of the battle against the pandemic and in mitigating its wide-ranging human impact, particularly on the most disadvantaged of our society. Please find attached the press release with details. Over the past few days, with the help of many of our partners, we have developed a  ‘ District Response Plan to COVID-19’ , which is guiding many of our efforts on the ground, and will be useful to other civil society organisations.  The plan is available at   https://azimpremjiuniversity.  ,  both for feedback and improvement. This may be of use to you, and your organization, request you to please share. Click to view press relea...

What is phonics in english and understanding Hauna phonics system:

HAUNA PHONICS HAUNA phonics is a systematic, child centred approach to teaching literacy skills. Children are taught the sounds of the letters in a specific order. Group 1- s, a, m, n, i, p, t Group 2-r, d, c, k, o, g, l Group 3- b, u, f, h, j, e, q Group 4- v, w, x, y, z,  Group 5- ai, ee, ai, oa, ue Group 6- Ng, ch, th, ah, OO, oo Group 7-ou, oi, or, er, ar After completion of one group of letters, children are taught how to blend and read words. Words that do not follow the phonics principle are named as Comm. words or frequently used words. Children are taught four lists of Comm. words in H3. List 1 I, me, he, be, to, do, no List 2 We, was, has, is, his, so, us List 3 All, go, she, my, are, here, one List 4 The, them, there, those, this, those, that, then, there Click to see video of Sounds of phonics: Further reading: Understanding Phonics of English language: So, what exactly is phonics? Phonics invol...

John Dewey: Some insights for teaching and learning-

John Dewey: John Dewey was born October 20, 1859, in Burlington, Vermont. He taught at universities from 1884 to 1930. John Dewey was an American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform. He is regarded as one of the most prominent American scholars in the first half of the twentieth century. Below screenshots are from a training session on his thoughts: