This short write up brings up few insights about reducing stresses of homeschooling which is also an impact of global pandemic. Because all the school management, teachers are facing common issues, not getting as far their (parents) expectations due to the closure of organized schools.
aware that the world is facing a critical situation these days, and usual activities of human beings are made limited to access. There is only one-word 'LOCKDOWN' to everyone's mouth to utter. And it has an immense impact
on all sections of people. The reality is the worldwide outbreak of COVID19
pandemic is an unknown challenge.
This is an era of depression and anxiety for all sections of people but it is also an era
of the battle against the draconian virus (COVID19) and even depression, anxiety
and economic crisis resulted from the COVID19 global pandemic.
On the other hand this is also an opportunity to make changes in the way the students learn, and the way the parents engage with their children. And also the way knowledge and learning is accessed.
What is home
means learning
outside of the public or private school environment. For most families, their
"schooling" involves being out and about each day, learning from the rich
resources available in their community, and through interactions with other
families who homeschool’. (
Below are a few aspects of engagement in the homeschooling environment:
1. Mode of easy and simple: As we know all our kids are isolated
from the schools, their organized classrooms and home environments are quite
dissimilar and might not be matched up. As a result, kids might not get
interesting and fun if homeschooling parent doesn't match up with the school
environment. Thus, parents can handle a different simple and easy strategy by
asking them simple questions (what, why, how etc.) And giving them important
and fun drawings. While initiating this strategy I would encourage parents not
to expect based on their (parents) imagination. It is better to accept rather
than expect which is an important trait in positive well-being (David Crewell,
2. Common Schedule: It is very important for every
member of the family to follow the same schedule now. Your child might not get
interesting and fun but try to engage them with different strategies such as
problem-solving challenges, sample family challenges (Reference resources for
parents). Parents can try this as this is also an opportunity to deal with something
new and see if it works.
3. Life skills activities: Life skills education is envisioned
and offered by most of the schools today. It is a very important aspect to have
children life skills education which has the most influential aspect to the
holistic development of the children. Parents can encourage their children life
skills activities such as washing hands, cooking, peeling fruits skin
activities etc.
Education is not only about books, but every knowhow, learning is also education. Education is not something which comes only from school, which is learnt from our senses every minute is also a true education.
The above article is
a reflection from the below article. Please click the link to explore the above
reflection in detail from an external site.
Reflection is contributed by:
Satyasing Mushahary
An Alumni of Azim
Premji University (2014-16)
Consultant @ CLLF