- Click to read details and apply: https://azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/SitePages/admissions-programme-pg-programme.aspx Azim Premji University, Bangalore is looking applications from committed students who can significantly contribute to a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society. In India the availability of trained professionals in education, development and allied social sectors is grossly inadequate, given the scale, complexity of issues and the wide range of competencies required to work in these areas. Azim Premji University’s key mission is to address this significant talent gap and prepare competent, motivated, socially committed graduates and enable them to engage with social sector. Click to read details and apply: Details available, Campus Life, Placements, fee etc. https://azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/SitePages/admissions-programme-pg-programme.aspx Note: The founder of 'Edu Research and Insights' blog is an Alumni of Azim Premji University. Published this ne...
A Credence Learning Foundation initiative: Skills to benefit and values to spread happiness.⌘