The purpose of a teacher and education system is to, 'motivate the weak, to address the average, and challenge the gifted'.
Every teacher and parent has to continuosly understand the child's holistic development and performance at school and at home, that's where assessment is a useful thing.
Currently there is very less awareness of assessment method, and most of them are using evaluation method at school/classroom.
What is assessment?
Assessment can be defined as, a methodical way of acquiring, reviewing and using information about someone or something, so as to make improvement where necessary.
And evaluation is derived from the word ‘value’ which refers to ‘usefulness of something’. Therefore, evaluation is an examination of something to measure its utility.
Currently many schools are using evaluation method without giving much importance to assessment method.
Below we are discussing about the basic difference between assessment and evaluation:
The basic difference between assessment and evaluation lies in the orientation, i.e. while the assessment is process oriented, evaluation is product oriented.
Evaluation is feedback from the instructor to the student about the student's learning. Evaluation uses methods and measures to judge student learning and understanding of the material for purposes of grading and reporting. Whereas, assessment is feedback from the student to the instructor about the student's learning. (icc.edu).
Assessment is defined as a process of appraising something or someone, i.e. the act of gauging the quality, value or importance. As against, evaluation focuses on making a judgment about values, numbers or performance of someone or something. Assessment is made to identify the level of performance of an individual, whereas evaluation is performed to determine the degree to which goals are attained.
Assessment is a process of collecting, reviewing and using data, for the purpose of improvement in the current performance. Whereas, evaluation is described as an act of passing judgement on the basis of set of standards.
In general, assessment is an ongoing interactive process, in which two parties (assessor and assessee) are involved. The assessor (teacher) is someone who assesses the performance based on the defined standards, while assessee (student) is someone who is being assessed. The process aims at determining the effectiveness of the overall performance of the assessee and the areas of improvement. The process involves, setting up goals, collecting information (qualitative and quantitative) and using the information for increasing quality.
Simply put, evaluation is a systematic and objective process of measuring or observing someone or something, with an aim of drawing conclusions, using criteria, usually governed by set standards or by making a comparison. It gauges the performance of a person, completed project, process or product, to determine its worth or significance.
The evaluation includes both quantitative and qualitative analysis of data and undertaken once in a while. It ascertains whether the standards or goals established are met or not. If they are met successfully, then it identifies the difference between actual and intended outcomes.
Assessment is diagnostic in nature as it tends to identify areas of improvement. On the other hand, evaluation is judgemental, because it aims at providing an overall grade.
The assessment provides feedback on performance and ways to enhance performance in future. As against this, evaluation ascertains whether the standards are met or not.
The purpose of assessment is formative, i.e. to increase quality whereas evaluation is all about judging quality, therefore the purpose is summative.
Assessment is concerned with process, while evaluation focuses on product.
In an assessment, the feedback is based on observation and positive & negative points. In contrast to evaluation, in which the feedback relies on the level of quality as per set standard.
In an assessment, the relationship between assessor and assessee is reflective, i.e. the criteria are defined internally. On the contrary, the evaluator and evaluatee share a prescriptive relationship, wherein the standards are imposed externally.
The criteria for assessment are set by both the parties jointly. As opposed to evaluation, wherein the criteria are set by the evaluator.
The measurement standards for assessment are absolute, which seeks to achieve the quintessential outcome. As against this, standards of measurement for evaluation are comparative, that makes a distinction between better and worse. Which includes, marks, grades, percentage, class distinction etc.
After reading above details, it is clear that assessment and evaluation are completely different aspects.
While evaluation involves making judgments, assessment is concerned with correcting the deficiencies/shortcomings in one’s performance.
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