The aim of education is to develop moral values among children along with the academic/economic skills:
We bring to you a Q&A happening between a parent and a professor of Azim Premji University.
In this video at the end of this blog summary, a parent asks, that in our education system why are we not considering values like honesty, serving society and thinking beyond ourselves, and basic skill sets which are required to lead a healthy and happy life as part of the core education system. Instead, we are considering this as a secondary target.
The parent says that our focus should be a holistic education where values and skills are given equal importance.
We as a country are known to be spiritually strong with all these values and learning, but these skills are being learnt out of school, why are we not making our education holistic by considering these aspects as part of the school learning. The parent argues that value education should be part of the school education system instead of taking it outside the area of the education system.
Please watch the 3.5-minute video.
The video is directly embedded from youtube, and the selection and summary is done by Credence Learning Foundation.