While reviewing the evidence on early grade reading and writing acquisition and instruction in the last decade, it's worthwhile to discuss the 5Ts (Teaching, Time, Texts, Tongue, and Test).
Improving the acquisition of reading and writing skills in the early grades means embarking on a positive learning curve.
'Few reasons why children may have difficulty reading include: Limited vocabulary, Working memory deficit, Boredom, and Disinterest in reading'.
Below is the 5T framework to better understand this challenge:
5Ts Framework
1. Teaching:
Many teachers in developing country contexts have not had direct and explicit training in how to teach literacy. Many curricula do not include literacy as a discrete subject of instruction, hence teachers are not trained to teach it.
2. Time:
The appropriate use of classroom time as well as securing sufficient time devoted to teaching literacy is vital. Literacy needs to be taught explicitly and directly, not as part of a larger language lesson.
3. Texts:
In countries all over the world, age- and level appropriate reading materials are lacking. Children need texts to practice and develop literacy skills.
3. Tongue:
Many children around the world do not learn to read in a language they speak, much less their mother tongue, and this situation can have profound negative impacts on whether a child learns to read in any language.
5. Test:
Instruction should be based on assessment (testing) in order to identify those who are falling behind and provide them ongoing support. Tests—or assessments—allow policy makers, teachers and others to keep the focus on student learning and make adjustments in light of students’ performance.
Article Source:
Kim, Y.-S. G., Boyle, H. N., Zuilkowski, S. S., & Nakamura, P. (2016). Landscape Report on Early Grade Literacy. Washington, D.C.: USAID.