- The first level in how to teach phonics involves showing your student how to recognise the sounds of the alphabet letters.
- Many children from the age of 4 can effortlessly learn the names of the letters of the alphabet by singing the Alphabet Song. It is important that they do learn the letter names but focus your time at this stage on teaching them the sounds the letters make, which is a new and greater challenge.
- It's important that you teach your child at their pace, not yours. You might find 5-10 minutes is a long enough period to spend at a time. Or they might be prepared to work for 30 minutes. It all depends on their attention span.
- Why phonic system does not go with the order ABCD...?
It is because children will not need to read letters like q nearly as frequently as a and m. So it makes sense to learn the sounds a and m before q.