- Exams test your memory, life tests your learning; others will test your patience.
- When you do exams you never want to be the one who finishes first and you never want to be the one who finishes last.
- There's more to life than passing exams, and paper qualifications can only take you so far.
Exam is a tool to understand the quality and quantity of knowledge acquired. On the other hand exam preparation is not a skill of acquiring rote learning knowledge. Exam is a way to express the knowledge actually gained by us during whole academic year's learning.
But it is also important to rehearse, recap and practice the concepts learnt during the year.
There are lot of simple and systematic approaches towards preparation of exam. The document in the below link discusses few easy and crisp exam preparation strategies.
There are lot of simple and systematic approaches towards preparation of exam. The document in the below link discusses few easy and crisp exam preparation strategies.
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The document is designed by Dr.Suresh kumar Murugesan, Madurai, India
Note: The document is received through WhatsApp message.
The document is designed by Dr.Suresh kumar Murugesan, Madurai, India