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Dedicated to all naughty ex-students- Funny answers:


*Not easy to be a Teacher* 


*Teacher:* ''Construct a sentence using the word "sugar''

*Pupil:* ''I drank tea this morning.''

*Teacher:* ''Where is the word sugar.''

*Pupil:* ''It is already in the tea..!!''

*TEACHER*: Our topic for today is Photosynthesis. Class, what is photosynthesis?

*Student*: Photosynthesis is our topic for today.

*TEACHER* : John is climbing a tree to pick some mangoes. (Begin the sentence with 'Mangoes')

*Student* : Mangoes, John is coming to pick you...

*TEACHER* : What do you call mosquitoes in your language?

*Student*: We don't call them, they come on their own...

*TEACHER* : Name the nation, people hate most

*Student*: Exami-nation...

*TEACHER* : How can we keep our school clean?

*Student*: By staying at home...

*Not Easy to be a Teacher  !!!!!*

Dedicated to all naughty ex-students…….


Source: received through WhatsApp message 

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