As reported in Times of India, there are over 1000 schools for sale in India.
During covid-19 situation many sectors have been impacted, out of these sectors school education has got a lot of adverse impact. Majority of private schools in India cater to the middle class and lower middle class families, which are very affordable schools. The day to day functioning and the development of the school is dependent on the fee collection. There is a lot of impact in the fee collection, the schools are struggling to retain the teachers and the schools which are on the rented buildings and the land are struggling to pay their rent dues.
There are very few schools which are run by the trust where the trust is contributing from other sources for school functioning. These schools which have other sources of income are able to sustain to an extent, but the schools which are fully dependent on fee collection are impacted a lot.
Let us not lose hope and take a hurried decision. Let's have patience, and contribute as much as we can to retain and sustain our schools which have been built with years of dreams and toil.
- Maaz Mohammed-Credence Learning Foundation
Click to read the report from Times of India: