*Life is a classroom. The teachers are not only adult humans — they include nature, experiences and children. The other differences between the classroom of life and regular classroom is that in the classroom of life you never graduate out of it and the tests often comes before the lessons. But the tests need not come before the lessons. We can easily learn from other’s hard lessons. And my observation is that, it is not that life does not give us easy lessons, but that we hardly take notice of the easy lessons. If you will look carefully, you will realize that there are lessons all around us. There are no new lessons. There are only old lessons happening to new people or people who forget. Those who forget the lessons of life will become life lessons for others. Wisdom cries out to be noticed. Our tragedy is that we are too busy fooling ourselves. The only qualification to learn in life’s classroom is readiness. And your readiness is proved by your willingness and humility. When you are truly ready to learn, you will see lessons right around you. You see, responsibility is our response to our given ability to do what is right. Be responsible!*
Source: received through WhatsApp message
Source: received through WhatsApp message