- The COVID19 pandemic has led to another crisis of reasonable ideas in order to resolve all sorts of emerging issues in front. Educational plannings in times of crisis seem to be another challenge because of the judgmental dilemma about the importance of education as well as health.
However, focusing on balancing the importance of both the aspects- education and health is focal. What and how implementable plannings could be done is the big question to be responded by most of the concerned authorities and stakeholders. Currently, school founders, principals, administrators and concerned heads are considering many ways to win this situation.
There are very key areas which the school leaders should consider- Finance, Infrastructure and Human resources. Here we are discussing some ideas and suggestions that have been addressed regarding the reopening of the schools (Please refer the full resource from UNESCO at the end of this article).
1. Finance: The financial factor is going to be a fundamental aspect when schools are reopened during the times of crisis. Because the budget system would impact more than actual activities as the pandemic has already impacted badly in Socio-economic. Family economic must be boosted up as parental involvement must be far more high than usual with school reopening plannings.
2. Infrastructure: The existing infrastructure would not be much support for the reopening of the schools during this disastrous period. Safety measures, to be prioritised. The schools might also look at diversifying the funds into ICT in education (Information, Communication and Technology).
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education is the mode of education that use the information and communications technology to support, enhance, and optimise the delivery of information. Worldwide research has shown that ICT can lead to improved student learning and better teaching methods (Source).
3. Human resources: This is another important factor to be looked at. Human resource management in a proper manner in terms of deployment of the teachers and stakeholders based on the issues and challenges demographically would help in the proper functioning of school reopening.
Please refer the below link for in-depth exploration.
Plan for school reopening via @IIEP_UNESCO http://www.iiep.unesco.org/en/plan-school-reopening#.XwM8heaMXKg.whatsapp
Reflection is contributed by:
Satyasing Mushahary
Senior Consultant at Clf India.1
Alumni of Azim Premji University (2014-16)
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